A person can choose an appropriate pigeon control method. The only disadvantage of this pigeon control measure is, they do not work in case of rain or snowfall. Bird nets are made up of fiber and nylon and are the best way to practice to get rid of pigeon. Bird nets can be spread along with screws and hooks over the house roof to trap the birds.Bird taste repellers are also a great medium to repel them. They are used to spray on roofs and grass surface to repel them. Liquid and gel repeller annoy birds when get on to their feet and thereby repel them.
Bird netting that is used to exclude pest pigeons from areas such as warehouses, under eaves of homes, under canopies and other large open areas. Bird spikes are the most common, economical and easiest to install of the physical deterrents. You simply install the bird spikes on the flat surface that the pigeons are landing on. There are now a number of different ways to solve the problems from natural remedies to pesticides, which is sometimes classed as dangerous to the environment but if used correctly there is no harm. Pest bird droppings can carry over 60 transmittable diseases. Several of these diseases have been known to be transmitted to humans and other animals.
The key to reduce the risk of disease from bird droppings is to create an environment that excludes them from affected areas
that is really a nice information,keep updating with some more blogs.
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