Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Birds of Nepal: 867 Species

With the addition of two recently sighted birds never before recorded in the country, the total number of bird species seen in Nepal has risen to 867.  The two newly spotted birds are the grey-necked bunting and the long-billed wren babbler.The bunting was found in Shukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve in western Nepal, while the babbler was seen in the east, in Makalu-Barun National Park.

Nepal is a richly diverse country with an extraordinary range of habitats. With the new bird species additions to the country's avifauna, Nepal supports roughly nine percent of the total number of bird species in the world - yet it only has .09 percent of the world's land mass. This makes Nepal a dream destination for birders, and it is reasonable that visiting birders could see hundreds of species even during a relatively short visit.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chitwan National Park. of Nepal

Nepal's first and most famous national park is situated in the Chitwan Doon or the lowlands of the Inner Terai. Covering an area of 932 sq km. the park includes hilly areas of the Siwalik Range covered by deciduous sal forest. One fifth of the park is made up of the floodplains of the Narayani, Rapti, and the Reu Rivers and is covered by dense tall elephant grass interspersed with riverine forests of silk cotton (kapok), acacia and sisam trees. This ecologically diverse area is the last remaining home in Nepal for more than 300 of the endangered Asian one-horned rhinoceros and harbours one of the largest populations of the elusive and rare Royal Bengal tiger. Besides rhino and tiger, Chitwan also supports a great variety of flora and fauna. There are four species of deer, including the spotted chittal, leopard, sloth bear, wild boar, rhesus monkey, grey langur monkey, wild dog, small wild cats, the white stockinged gaur (the world's largest wild cattle) and many other smaller animals. The swampy areas and numerous oxbow lakes of Chitwan provide a home for marsh crocodiles. In a stretch of the Narayani river is found one of the few remaining populations of the rare and endangered fish-only eating gharial, or Gangetic crocodile. Here also is found one of the world's four species of freshwater dolphins. For the ornithologist and the amateur bird-watcher the park offers excellent possibilities with more than 450 species recorded. Some of the resident specialities are several species of woodpeckers, hornbills, Bengal florican, and red-headed trogons. Winter birds such as waterfowl, Brahminy duck, pintails and bareheaded geese, amongst many other cold weather visitors are drawn by the sanctuary of the park's rivers. In the summer the forest is alive with nesting migrants such as the fabulous paradise flycatcher, the Indian pitta and parakeets.

The Chitwan region has had a long history of conservation. For many years it was the Royal hunting grounds for the Kings and dignitaries of Nepal and therefore was not hunted by the general public. It did however become a favorite spot for big game safari hunters in the late nineteenth and early to mid-twentieth centuries. This was coupled with a surge in local human populations following the development of anti-malaria medicines in the mid-twentieth century. The long-term effect was a drastic decrease in jungle habitat and animal populations in the Chitwan valley as jungles were converted to farmland and big game were hunted and poached to dangerously low numbers. The falling rhino (less than 200) and tiger (less than 30) populations in the present park region, focused attention on the Chitwan region and in 1963 the southern two-thirds of the park were declared rhino sanctuary. With sanctuary status came the relocation of 22,000 people from the Chitwan valley and a moratorium on hunting. Since 1963 wildlife populations and ecosystems have been rebounding. In 1973 Chitwan became Nepal’s first National Park. The relatively pristine state of the modern park and its unique ecosystems prompted UNESCO to declare the park a World Heritage site in 1984.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


  Nepal is paradise for birds lover with over 848 species almost 10% of the world
total of birds.The government officials probably have have not even heard of this past time.
With the exception of agencies that actually conduct bird-watching tour  they organize.

                      There are bird watching societies all over the world including Nepal.It is up
to the tour operators to tap them.Once more and more bird watchers arrive in Nepal they will go back
spread the world around.we never brother about the varied interests of westerners which we 
fail to understand .Gazing at birds and spending money in the process may not make
sense to us but for but for some people it is a passion.Birds watcher go around the
the world identifying birds and keeping records of species sighted.

                                                  KATHMANDU VALLY

                 The most popular bird watching spot is the Kathmandu valley ,where among them almost 600
are found.The surrounding hills after a varied ecology ranging from primary and secondary forests to
rhododendron,0ak and pine forests .In addition the wetlands and open fields inside the valley make
up a diverse habitat for  many species of birds.The most popular bird watching spot is the pulchoki hill over
265 species have been recorded to data.Birds seen in the area include babblers,warblers,title,thrushes,
mini vets,woodpecker,eagle and many migrant birds.

Gadavari,at the foot of phulchoki hill where the royal botanical garden is situated has recorded over 100 species of birds including  the lesser racket ailed drongo, Tibetan sis kin and the spotted fork tail.

              The shivapuri watershed and wildlife reserve situated 11 km to the north of Kathmandu,is another exciting location along with nagarjun royal forest on jamacho hill situated 5km from Kathmandu  on the ways to kakani from balaju among  the birds are blue magpies kallj pheasants bonellis eagles great Himalayan barbets to name but a few.

                  The high lights for birds sightings of the wetlands in the valley included the banks  of the manohara rivers on the way to bhaktapur and the bagmati rivers which flows into the valley from shivapuri hill exiting through chobhar gorge.

                        taudaha lake harbours over 40 species of birds mostly dependent on wetlands situated on the to dakshinkali it attracts flocks of migrant birds.

                                                       CHITWAN NATIONAL PARK

                        Chitwan national park has been  long one the country treasures of natural wonders .The park is situated in south central Nepal,covering 932sq.km.in the subtropical lowlands of the inner terai.formerly called chitwan national park it was established in 1973 and granted the status of a world heritage site in 1984.I n 2011chitwan forest and grass lands over 255 species recorded .There are many species of parakects other birds include blue-throat long-tailed Night jar,Indian peafowl,great bar bet,red-billed blue magpie and tick ell.red-breasted blue flycatcher.

                                            KOSHI  TAPPU  WILDLIFE  RESERVE
                       Koshi tappu wildlife reserve is renowned for being on of the best location for birding,It is a smallest 175 sq,km and easternmost reserve in Nepal just to the north  east of the convergence of the saptkoshi and trijuga khola rivers.During the monsoon the flow becomes torrential and covers most of the floodplain while during the dry seasons many flat sandy islands are exposed .The habitat is a combination of scrub grasslands and deciduous riverine forest with over 280 species of birds recorded  so far including 20 species of duck ibises ,stork ,swamp,partridges,herons,egrets,Bengal,floricans,and many other exotic and migratory waterfowl not found else where in Nepal.

                                                   BARDIA  NATIONAL  PARK

                              Bardia is also most popular destination for bird watching situated in the  far west for Nepal.It is an area of extensive jungle which is covered by Sal forest riverine and grasslands.a boat ride on the slow moving expanse of the karnali river provides plenty of birds including ruddy shelduck,darters,Brahminikites  ,brown headed gulls,cormorants oriental pied horn bills,night heron&majestic peacocks.

                                        THE ANNAPURNA CONSERVATION AREA

                        The Annapurna region is a conservation area is the largest and most protected region in the world covering around 7629 sq km towards the North -central region of Nepal.The Kali gandaki rivers runs north to south through this region through the world deepest gorge some 6000m below the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri massifs seven of these peaks are over 700m th highest at 8091m.A few facts and figures above ,but as you can imagine the Annapurna conversation area  supports a remarkable but delicate biodiversity,with 441 recorded species of birds including ,the only endemic species of Nepal,the spiny babbler, The bird habitat ranges from  the sub-tropical lowlands towards pokhara in the south of Annapurna conservation area to dry sub -alpine condition above  the tree -line towards the north.

Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve

Royal Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is located at the north-west amidst the Dhaulagiri Himalayan Range with an area of one thousand three hundred and twenty-five square kilometers. The Reserve was established in 1983 and gazette in 1987 especially for sports, hunting and the preservation of the representative of high altitude ecosystem.

The commonly found winged creatures are the Pheasant and the Partridge and the endangered birds are mostly the Chir Pheasant and the nine different colored Daphne, the national bird of Nepal.

Sagarmatha National Park

               Sagarmatha National park , the highest national park in the word, covers an area of 1148 square kilometers in the Khumbu region of Nepal.Sagarmatha National Park is located to the north-east of Kathmandu in the Kumbu region of Nepal. The park not only includes the highest peak in the world, Mt. Sagarmatha  but also several other well-known peaks such as Lhotse, Nuptse, Cho Oyu, Pumori, Ama Dablam, Thamserku, Kwangde, Kangtaiga and Gyachung Kang. The park was added to the list of UNISCO World Heritage Sites in 1979.

 The mount Everest   National Park provides a habit for at least 118 species of birds. The most common birds to be seen are the Impeyen pheasant (the national bird of Nepal), blood pheasant, cheer pheasant, jungle crow, red billed and yellow billed coughs and snow pigeon. Fairly common birds are the Himalayan griffon, lammergier, snow partridge, skylark and many others.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


ith the addition of two recently sighted birds never before recorded in the country, the total number of bird species seen in Nepal has risen to 867. According to the Himalayan Times, the two newly spotted birds are the grey-necked bunting and the long-billed wren babbler. The bunting was found in Shukla Phanta Wildlife Reserve in western Nepal, while the babbler was seen in the east, in Makalu-Barun National Park.

Nepal is a richly diverse country with an extraordinary range of habitats. With the new bird species additions to the country's avifauna, Nepal supports roughly nine percent of the total number of bird species in the world - yet it only has .09 percent of the world's land mass. This makes Nepal a dream destination for birders, and it is reasonable that visiting birders could see hundreds of species even during a relatively short visit.


              Nepal is paradise for birds lover with over 848 species almost 10% of the world
total of birds.The government officials probably have have not even heard of this past time.
With the exception of agencies that actually conduct bird-watching tour  they organize.

                      There are bird watching societies all over the world including Nepal.It is up
to the tour operators to tap them.Once more and more bird watchers arrive in Nepal they will go back
spread the world around.we never brother about the varied interests of westerners which we 
fail to understand .Gazing at birds and spending money in the process may not make
sense to us but for but for some people it is a passion.Birds watcher go around the
the world identifying birds and keeping records of species sighted.

                                                  KATHMANDU VALLY

                 The most popular bird watching spot is the Kathmandu valley ,where among them almost 600
are found.The surrounding hills after a varied ecology ranging from primary and secondary forests to
rhododendron,0ak and pine forests .In addition the wetlands and open fields inside the valley make
up a diverse habitat for  many species of birds.The most popular bird watching spot is the pulchoki hill over
265 species have been recorded to data.Birds seen in the area include babblers,warblers,title,thrushes,
mini vets,woodpecker,eagle and many migrant birds.

Gadavari,at the foot of phulchoki hill where the royal botanical garden is situated has recorded over 100 species of birds including  the lesser racket ailed drongo, Tibetan sis kin and the spotted fork tail.

              The shivapuri watershed and wildlife reserve situated 11 km to the north of Kathmandu,is another exciting location along with nagarjun royal forest on jamacho hill situated 5km from Kathmandu  on the ways to kakani from balaju among  the birds are blue magpies kallj pheasants bonellis eagles great Himalayan barbets to name but a few.

                  The high lights for birds sightings of the wetlands in the valley included the banks  of the manohara rivers on the way to bhaktapur and the bagmati rivers which flows into the valley from shivapuri hill exiting through chobhar gorge.

                        taudaha lake harbours over 40 species of birds mostly dependent on wetlands situated on the to dakshinkali it attracts flocks of migrant birds.

                                                       CHITWAN NATIONAL PARK

                        Chitwan national park has been  long one the country treasures of natural wonders .The park is situated in south central Nepal,covering 932sq.km.in the subtropical lowlands of the inner terai.formerly called chitwan national park it was established in 1973 and granted the status of a world heritage site in 1984.I n 2011chitwan forest and grass lands over 255 species recorded .There are many species of parakects other birds include blue-throat long-tailed Night jar,Indian peafowl,great bar bet,red-billed blue magpie and tick ell.red-breasted blue flycatcher.

                                            KOSHI  TAPPU  WILDLIFE  RESERVE
                       Koshi tappu wildlife reserve is renowned for being on of the best location for birding,It is a smallest 175 sq,km and easternmost reserve in Nepal just to the north  east of the convergence of the saptkoshi and trijuga khola rivers.During the monsoon the flow becomes torrential and covers most of the floodplain while during the dry seasons many flat sandy islands are exposed .The habitat is a combination of scrub grasslands and deciduous riverine forest with over 280 species of birds recorded  so far including 20 species of duck ibises ,stork ,swamp,partridges,herons,egrets,Bengal,floricans,and many other exotic and migratory waterfowl not found else where in Nepal.

                                                   BARDIA  NATIONAL  PARK

                              Bardia is also most popular destination for bird watching situated in the  far west for Nepal.It is an area of extensive jungle which is covered by Sal forest riverine and grasslands.a boat ride on the slow moving expanse of the karnali river provides plenty of birds including ruddy shelduck,darters,Brahminikites  ,brown headed gulls,cormorants oriental pied horn bills,night heron&majestic peacocks.

                                        THE ANNAPURNA CONSERVATION AREA

                        The Annapurna region is a conservation area is the largest and most protected region in the world covering around 7629 sq km towards the North -central region of Nepal.The Kali gandaki rivers runs north to south through this region through the world deepest gorge some 6000m below the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri massifs seven of these peaks are over 700m th highest at 8091m.A few facts and figures above ,but as you can imagine the Annapurna conversation area  supports a remarkable but delicate biodiversity,with 441 recorded species of birds including ,the only endemic species of Nepal,the spiny babbler, The bird habitat ranges from  the sub-tropical lowlands towards pokhara in the south of Annapurna conservation area to dry sub -alpine condition above  the tree -line towards the north.


The daphne is also called lophophorous .They are found  in high elevation
of the Himalayan range.When they dance they stretch their wings and fea
ther showing their glorious colors.

                Daphne is also called as  monal which is more commonly used

by the people who see them the most the mountains people of the country.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Protected Birds of Nepal

                  A  review of their status distribution and habitat.

                                  National park and Wildlife conservation act ,1973 is the major act

that forms the basis for biodiversity protection in Nepal.The act lists  nine  species of birds protected
by law.These species of birds are Tragopan satyra,Lophophorus impejanus,catreus wallichi,buceros
bicornis,Houbaropsis bengalensis,sypheotides indica,grus antigone,ciconia and blackstork.
key words;National park and wildlife conservation ACT,protected birds of Nepal.

Monday, May 30, 2011

List of birds of Nepal

This is a list of the bird species recorded in Nepal. The Avicenna of Nepal includes a total of 900 species, of which 2 are endemic, 1 has been introduced by humans, and 74 are rare or accidental. 32 species are globally threatened.
This list's taxonomic treatment (designation and sequence of orders, families, and species) and nomenclature (common and scientific names) follow the conventions of Clement's 5th edition. The family accounts at the beginning of each heading reflects this taxonomy, as do the species counts found in each family account. Introduced and accidental species are included in the total counts for Nepal.
The following tags have been used to highlight certain relevant categories. The commonly occurring, native, species do not fall into any of these categories.
  • (A) Accidental A species that rarely or accidentally occurs in Nepal.
  • (E) Endemic A species endemic to Nepal.
  • (I) Introduced A species introduced to Nepal as a consequence, direct or indirect, of human actions.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Annual Great Backyard Bird Count to end on Monday

The event is sponsored by the Cornell lab of Ornithology. The four day event which started on Friday is also seen as a great way to involve children and families, in everyday science.
Great event for the families
Brooke Lever of Germantown said, “The Great Backyard Bird Count is a fun way to teach young children about common backyard birds. We like to bird in the Black Hill Regional Park and the bordering neighborhoods.” Lever had been participating in the event since her childhood and she continued it with her husband and children, after her marriage in 2000. She said that her family regularly spotted birds like crows, vultures, woodpeckers and a host of other variety of birds in their town.
Participation is easy
Participation in the event is easy. Bird watchers need to download a regional birding tally sheet, along with the official rules and start the count. Spending only 15 minutes in your backyard is enough. The data has to be submitted at the website of the GBBC. Last year’s data showed that the towns of Mentor, Ohio, Columbia, Ky., Charlotte, N.C., were respectively on the top three places. Overall topper was Texas, followed by California. More than 97,000 amateur birdwatchers help in counting the 11.2 million birds, belonging to 603 species. The information helps the experts in finding out the fate of these birds. This is one of the several events aimed at encouraging bird watching, by people of all ages. Another event will be focusing on bird baths and bird feeders, in the back yard. Some of the places where bird watchers converge are the Black Hill regional Park, Meadowside Nature Centre and Croydon Creek Nature Centre. You just need to bring along your binoculars and there will be birding guides available, during the event.

Bird Spikes- Keep Birds Away

There are 4 types of bird’s songs birds, pet birds and love birds and also the pest birds. Birds are the beautiful creatures in the world. We just want to keep them away as we don’t want to harm them. The biggest problem is bird dropping. Dropping can stop in gutters and down pipes. Bird droppings can eat into corrugated metal surfaces, cover light sensors and security cameras. One quickly can see why bird control has become so vital to commercial building owners. The bird spikes also known as needle spikes or anti-roosting spikes to control pest birds. The bird spikes are usually plastic base with stainless steel spikes. Bird spikes are made in different sizes. The widths of the spikes are usually 3”, 5” and 8”. The width of bird spike is determined by area to be covered. When purchasing bird spikes, be sure that they are constructed of rigid U.V. protected plastic like those available

A person can choose an appropriate pigeon control method. The only disadvantage of this pigeon control measure is, they do not work in case of rain or snowfall. Bird nets are made up of fiber and nylon and are the best way to practice to get rid of pigeon. Bird nets can be spread along with screws and hooks over the house roof to trap the birds.Bird taste repellers are also a great medium to repel them. They are used to spray on roofs and grass surface to repel them. Liquid and gel repeller annoy birds when get on to their feet and thereby repel them.

Bird netting that is used to exclude pest pigeons from areas such as warehouses, under eaves of homes, under canopies and other large open areas. Bird spikes are the most common, economical and easiest to install of the physical deterrents. You simply install the bird spikes on the flat surface that the pigeons are landing on. There are now a number of different ways to solve the problems from natural remedies to pesticides, which is sometimes classed as dangerous to the environment but if used correctly there is no harm. Pest bird droppings can carry over 60 transmittable diseases.  Several of these diseases have been known to be transmitted to humans and other animals. 

The key to reduce the risk of disease from bird droppings is to create an environment that excludes them from affected areas

Bird Repellent Gel – Whether Applicable or Not

Bird repellent gel is a long last, non toxic repellent used on ledge, window sill, gutters, and beams to keep birds from landing or roosting on any surface. The repellent makes the surface sticky and uncomfortable to birds. As birds go to step out of the gel they experience the feeling that their foot is stuck. This feeling is disliked and the message is quickly communicated to other members of the flock, which abandon the treated surface. It's very easily applied, with a caulking gun, or putty knife, and is weather resistant for lasting out door application. The surface must be cleared of dust, dirt, droppings, and loose debris before treatment application. A second treatment may be necessary if flattened by heavy bird traffic.

People are really talking about the bird repellent gel. It's safe, effective, naturally organic, bird proof and will last for up to six months. It's nonpoisonous so it's safe. It's transparent, discrete and low profile application will surely bring the desired results. This product is great when used as the manufacturer suggests. Bird repellent gel will get rid of your bird problem, and is one of the best products on the market for solving the problem.

Bird repellent gel does come with some minor risks, but if adhered to all of the literature there should be no problem with this product. The active ingredients in this product is polybutene, which is a petrol chemical and is not a DOT regulated product. Bird repellent gel can be a skin irritant, with no lasting health hazards. It's listed as hazard Polymerization. It is advised to wear safety bird proof goggles and gloves when handling bird repellent gel, and always wash hands after the application of this and other hazardous products.

Birds of all sorts are destroying some of our most prized possessions. They can cause damage to our gardens, and become a pain in parking lots. It's not at all attractive to find homes ledges, sills, rafters, and many more of the indoor and outdoor locations destroyed by birds. Bird repellent gel makes for a sticky and slimy bird proof surface that's uncomfortable for birds. They learn over time and will not return to the location.

Bird Netting In Relation To Bird Proof Bird Control

Bird netting prevents pest bird droppings from corroding and destroying metal, finishes and paint. Bird netting comes in a variety of sizes to accommodate large and small birds. Many bird netting manufacturers offer flame resistant and waterproof netting for birds control which is durable and designed to withstand the elements. Bird netting is, though, more or less invisible from a distance, it is offered in a variety of colors and tones.

Bird netting is also available for gardens, especially for protecting trees, bushes and plants from birds and other garden intruders. Larger commercial food crop growers often frame their crops by creating a netting roof over a larger site. Garden bird netting can be purchased as bags for wrapping bushes and sheets for the garden.

Bird netting has enormous bird proof advantages, such as: making sure that these pigeons do not spread their diseases, bird netting could put an end to health worrying, thereby ensuring proper pigeon control, protecting plantation, so that plants are fenced safely away from their prying beaks, birds preservation, which is the best advantage since it is environmentally suitable and law abiding, bird netting can be used for as long as ten years and is available in variety of colors, materials, and reasonable prices of bird netting.

Physical bird proof bird preventives include bird spikes, bird netting, bird slope, electrified track systems, bird wire, bird spiders, and more. These products are simply designed to repel birds from an area.

Ultrasonic bird repeller is used widely in large open areas. Sounds are audible, and include predator and distress calls of a variety of birds to discourage pest birds from coming into an area. These are commonly found around vineyards, reclamation plants, airports, and other open areas.

Ultrasonic bird repeller is designed for enclosed or semi-enclosed areas. Ultrasonic waves prevent the ultrasonic bird from entering and remaining in areas such as warehouses, parking garages, and loading docks. These products are not harmful. Ultrasonic bird repeller depends on sound alarms, gunshots and recordings of bird voices that prevent birds from coming to that specified area.

Time to Use Bird Control Products in Your Property

Birds are free and they can fly where they want. The world is theirs. Birds can be nice, otherwise why would people keep them as pets or keep birdbaths in their gardens? However, birds can also be pest birds specially when they eat seeds and plants and poop all over the place. Nobody wants a pest bird whether it’s a pigeon, seagull, sparrow, starling, turkey vulture, crow, or Canadian goose. Not everyone is aware that more than 60 human diseases are related to birds and their droppings, and some of them can even be fatal to humans. When birds cause damage to your home, they leave ugly stains, cause the structure to deteriorate, and may also lessen the value of your property. So it is very important for using bird control around your home, garden, yards, porches, buildings and greenhouses. As you plan your strategy, remember that pest birds can be very determined in finding what they want and need. Since they seek out roosts and nesting places where they will feel comfortable and content, you want to make your home and garden unappealing and unwelcoming to them without causing them any harm. USA Bird Control is dedicated to providing the very best in affordable and humane pest bird control products. The customer service department is committed to educating customers on the different products available. This article provides solutions for the most common pest bird problems home owners’ encounter. If you have a pest bird problem, USA Bird Control has the right product for you! You can choose from many options for complete bird control. We’ll start with what’s known as “Bird Scare” products to bird’s control. You affix these reflective foils or flash tape deterrents to your boat mast, patio or tree and watch as they frighten birds away. You can also get prowler owl, blow-up balloons and terror eyes emblazoned with threatening predator eyes. Be sure to change the position and color of these bird repellent, since birds get used to them in short order. Bird netting is another highly effective bird control solution. Bird netting is most effective bird control product when used to keep birds out of specific areas like courtyards, patio covers, and rooftops. Most bird netting is so strong; it even stands up to larger animals like deer, coyotes, and dogs which can help to protect your garden. One of the all-time favorite bird repellent is the Bird Spike. Bird spikes are Ideal for keeping pest birds from landing on rooftops, awnings, gutters and girders. Yes, they look like they would impale any bird coming near them, but they are perfectly harmless. You can get bird spikes with rigid U.V.-resistant unbreakable polycarbonate spikes or high strength, durable stainless steel spikes. Birds take one look at these threatening looking bird spikes and realize very quickly that landing on or near them are impossible. Ultrasonic bird Repeller keeps away birds and animals from your property without messy or expensive chemical solutions. This Repel birds and animals away up to 4,000 square feet using an ultrasonic bird Repeller which makes it an Ideal bird Repeller for yards, gardens, porches, buildings, greenhouses and more. Finally, for a fast and economical bird control solution, Next up is Bird Gel. This non-toxic, sticky chemical leaves a surface that’s tacky and uncomfortable to most birds. The bird gel skins but never sets hard, providing an unstable surface for the birds to land on. Birds hate it, yet it’s safe for both birds and people. Bird gel easy to apply and is ideal bird repellent for pipes, conduit, ledges, I-beams, and parapet walls.

: Bird Seed

When it comes to feeding birds (either domestic or wild) there is a massive range of foods for them to choose from. As with ourselves it is important to have a variety of different foods in order to get all the benefits and keep food interesting.

When it comes to wild birds, the type of bird seed that you feed them will more than likely vary depending on the species of bird it is that you are feeding. When it comes to buying bird seed you should be able to get plenty advice online regarding what to buy etc.

The good thing about bird seed is that it does come in a massive range of styles. This means that no matter what you are looking for you should be able to find it.

One of the easiest ways to get your hands on bird seed is probably online. Although there are places on the high street that sell bird seed you will usually find a much larger range with an online retailer. Buying online is also quick and easy, with the items that you buy being shipped directly to your house making the whole process as hassle free as possible.

Buying online is also ideal because the websites that sell bird food are usually packed full of information. This means that you can do your research easily on the types of seed to buy and actually buy them all on the site website from the comfort of your own home.

Feeding the birds in your local area is fantastic for the environment because birds can always do with a helping hand from us. The winter months are especially hard for them and us feeding them can be the boost that they need in order to stay fit and healthy. Some birds are a rare breed and us feeding them is the life line that they need in order to keep alive, which is important to ensure that they are not extinct for future generations. Of course even the everyday birds need feeding, which is why it is great that there is such a range of bird seed available

People, who love the chirping of birds and their presence, make a special system for the feeding of birds, known as Bird Feeders. They come in various shapes and sizes depending upon the types of birds which you want to feed and have around you. Window bird feeders are meant to be placed on the window of your house. You can place the Window Bird Feeders either on the projection of your window or simply hang it there. These can be attached with the help of suction cups. The Window Bird Feeders are available in two types. In the first type, there will be a thin glass between you and the birds, whereas the second one comes without glass. In the latter type, one has to be more careful for the safety of birds from predators and children. But the advantage is that you can enjoy the vivid sounds of birds more clearly. Wild bird feeders are also very popular and attract the wild birds. For setting up wild bird feeders, one should know the species of birds to be attracted towards feeders. Proper space, comfortable set up and the quality food is also essential. Once, the wild bird feeders are placed properly, the view of birds offered is truly amazing and remarkably soothing. Many people opt for Bird Feeder Poles, where the set up is attached at the top of pole. It normally attracts small birds. The Bird Feeder Pole comes in kits which can be attached to normal bird feeders. Many people opt for Bird Feeder Poles, where the set up is attached at the top of pole. It normally attracts small birds. The Bird Feeder Pole comes in kits which can be attached to normal bird feeders.

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Bird Feeders: An innovative way to attract the birds

People, who love the chirping of birds and their presence, make a special system for the feeding of birds, known as Bird Feeders. They come in various shapes and sizes depending upon the types of birds which you want to feed and have around you.
Window bird feeders are meant to be placed on the window of your house. You can place the Window Bird Feeders either on the projection of your window or simply hang it there. These can be attached with the help of suction cups. The Window Bird Feeders are available in two types. In the first type, there will be a thin glass between you and the birds, whereas the second one comes without glass. In the latter type, one has to be more careful for the safety of birds from predators and children. But the advantage is that you can enjoy the vivid sounds of birds more clearly.
Wild bird feeders are also very popular and attract the wild birds. For setting up wild bird feeders, one should know the species of birds to be attracted towards feeders. Proper space, comfortable set up and the quality food is also essential. Once, the wild bird feeders are placed properly, the view of birds offered is truly amazing and remarkably soothing. Many people opt for Bird Feeder Poles, where the set up is attached at the top of pole. It normally attracts small birds. The Bird Feeder Pole comes in kits which can be attached to normal bird feeders.
Many people opt for Bird Feeder Poles, where the set up is attached at the top of pole. It normally attracts small birds. The Bird Feeder Pole comes in kits which can be attached to normal bird feeders.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

introduction of nepal bird

(disambiguation). Page semi-protected Bird Birds Temporal range: Late Jurassic–Recent, 150–0 Ma PreЄ Є O S D C P T J K Pg N 18 birds from various orders Representatives of 18 of the almost 30 living bird orders. (Click for an explanation.) Scientific classification [ e ] Kingdom:     Animalia Phylum:     Chordata (unranked):     Reptiliomorpha (unranked):     Amniota (unranked):     Avialae Class:     Aves Linnaeus, 1758[1] Subclasses & orders      * About two dozen modern orders and several extinct orders and subclasses  Listen to this article (info/dl) Play sound This audio file was created from a revision of Bird dated 2008-01-05, and does not reflect subsequent edits to the article. (Audio help) More spoken articles Sound-icon.svg  Birds (class Aves) are feathered, winged, bipedal, endothermic (warm-blooded), egg-laying, vertebrate animals. Around 10,000 living species makes them the most speciose class of tetrapod vertebrates. They inhabit ecosystems across the globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Extant birds range in size from the 5 cm (2 in) Bee Hummingbird to the 2.75 m (9 ft) Ostrich. The fossil record indicates birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs during the Jurassic period, around 150–200 million years ago (Ma), and the earliest known bird is the Late Jurassic Archaeopteryx, around 150–145 Ma. Most paleontologists regard birds as the only clade of dinosaurs to have survived the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event approximately 65.5  ma.